Croissant Box Subscriptions Are Here

We love our Bread Club members, and our team really looks forward to bringing subscribers what we’ve been working on every week in the Production Lab. 

Members get to choose a loaf of our signature sourdough, and/or other rotating loaves each week, baked by our Production Team every Thursday morning (If you’d like to join Bread Club, check out our ordering page here). It’s a great chance for us to have fun with new ideas or combinations, and keep our subscribers excited with what will come next. And it’s an awesome bonus that we can stay connected to our community with a great loaf of bread, even if we have to stay distant. 

Naturally, when we found a way to bring more Rebel Bread products into your life, we were excited. Enter Croissant Box subscriptions.


Baked fresh every day- buttery, flaky, handmade croissants, are boxed and ready for our Bread Club members every Thursday. Can you think of anything better? Neither can we. 

Each Croissant Box comes with 4 pastries, and subscribers can choose from a box of assorted croissant products, or a full box of the Pastry of the Week. They’re available for pickup or delivery in the Denver area for an every-week or every-other-week subscription, or just a one-time order. Boxes are great for (socially-distanced) brunches, a nice porch surprise for a friend, or for scarfing alone on the kitchen counter. We’ll let you guess which option we participate in most often.

Any of our pastries on our market menu are fair game for assortments, and Croissant Box subscribers can likely expect new combinations and products, made with the same quality and care. After paying for a Croissant Box, our website will direct members to a form, where preferences can be selected (e.g. all Morning Buns, or all assorted).


If you’ve never had a Rebel croissant, let us introduce you to your new favorite treat. Our Production Team puts a lot of time and energy into our bread and pastry, because we know exactly how much of a difference it makes. Hand crafting small batch items is very important to us, and you’ll understand the difference when you taste our croissants. 

Making croissants is a two day process, beginning with the dough- fermented in the fridge overnight for maximum flavor. Our croissant team pulls it out the next day and uses our sheeter (a machine that flattens the dough into a thin sheet) to roll the dough evenly, adds 2 pounds of European-style butter, and folds the dough to create layers. Laminating (folding layers of butter into dough) is an intense technique, requiring a lot of practice, patience, and skill. Our croissant dough goes through several folds before we achieve the signature flaky texture we’re looking for.

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We’d say we’re pretty good at it.

Rebel Bread has likely baked thousands of croissants by now. But ask any of our bakers-we still can’t help but announce how great they smell every time we enter the lab during a bake, and we definitely can’t stop eating them.

We’re so excited for our Bread Friends to enjoy all of what Bread Club has to offer! Keep your eyes peeled for Pastry of the Week mentions on our Instagram posts and stories, as well as our Facebook posts, and make sure to tag us in your Rebel Bread posts! We’ve seen people create croissant sandwiches, take unboxing videos, snap market pics- we love them all. Show us your favorite Rebel croissant product, and your favorite way to enjoy it!

-A special thanks to our friend Andrea at Andrea Gralow Media for these beautiful photos of our croissants. Check out her page for more amazing work.

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